SCCCT Donation box process

If you would like to raise funds for the SCCCT via donation box collection please read on:

Collection via donation boxes is a great way of raising awareness about the College as well as raising much needed funds for our developing college and future students.

The following information is what the SCCCT deems to be best practice relating to the use of donation boxes. In brief, we do not endorse street collections as this requires a license. These boxes are for collection on private property only and with the permission of the owner or manager of the premise. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to collect.

The law requires that boxes used in public places are properly sealed. For security reasons, boxes are not designed to be easy to open and the boxes used by the SCCCT are for single use only. Each box will have a number that will correlate to its location, and a mechanism to contact the SCCCT should any questions arise.

Once the Trust receives notification that a box is full there are three ways in which the money can be counted (two people should always be present when opening the box and counting money).

1.   A member of the SCCCT or College will collect a box from a designated address (if logistically possible).

2.  The collector can bring the box to a future event or meeting whereby the box can be handed to an SCCC Trustee for counting and banking.

3.  The collector can count the money and deposit into their bank account and then transfer the amount directly by BACS to the SCCCT Bank Account.

If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Leigh Dilks, Director of Business Development at: